For the show at White Cubicle Gallery, Esther Planas presented an unfolded zine (containing cut-up text from Foucault, Blanchot, and Baudrillard plus her poems and a performative series of pictures taken
previously at the site where Esther Planas is drinking supposedly some piss /urine coming from an anonymous source .....
Drinking on the Fountain of Art, was a site-specific work, for her intervention at the gallery project which for the first time asked an artist to interact at its peripheral areas (in this case the men's toilet /pissoir and the Bar at the George and Dragon pub where the gallery has its White Cubicle site at the women toilets as its usual (white cube) where guest artist resolve/ install their works.
Given that the space and the Pub itself is a known as a Gay pilgrimage venue and wanting to respond to a
the shared fetichism about pissoirs and men inside a toilet, at the same time that the Duchampian "object" has the same origins it appeared almost a natural consequence to re-enact and activate a few of
the traditions and associations relating to our culture either as artists or as cults and underground lovers of pop.
Jean Genet, Focault, Philosophy, Duchamp, Maurice Blanchot, Drinking Golden Rain, Bruce Nauman, Jean Baudrillard, Critical Theory.
A film
A performance inside a Zine
A ritual offering of Roses for the beauty of Men
A flower offering performance re-enacting the scene at Jean Genet's Journal du Voleur, where
a group of transvestites called Las Carolinas to go on a procession around Las Ramblas de Barcelona (my hometown) and give flowers (red roses) to a derelict pissoir by the harbor. Becoming Carolinas, the soul of queer man becoming woman adoring men.
Esther Planas re-enacting as one of The Carolinas of Jean Genet
......................a moment of prayer for the pissoir