Monday, 29 February 2016

And Off to Meca they went

Together we traveled
Together to Meca
Paris rouge blue green
yellow noir

The sky of Van Gogh
over us and dancers
and love and wet sex
for us
for us that are
so thirsty
and so full
of fire

Paris scents
Degas and Lautrec
Is cold and humid
and Absinthe is

Baudelaire ghost
has taken us
to that brothel
the Harem where
we are about
to dance

It's raining outside
but our tent is lighted
orange and blue

Losing our minds
on frenzy and debauchery
this orgy all around
painted and draw

We lick and lick
roses of all kinds
we come and come
inside vessels that moan
French words and sounds
and cats

Miau Miauuuuuu


Barcelona Spirit stills live inside the damp small streets and Absinth scent

My friend and I know this very well Wet sex damp street wild cats sweet-sour amber drink Drawing our life as it goes by Dying at e...